[Linuxmint-jp-devel:111] Re: Call for translators: The Linux Mint Blog

AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke i38w7i3 @ yahoo.co.jp
2012年 9月 11日 (火) 22:15:38 JST


Thank you for joining us.

> I don't mind reviewing the translation, but I wouldn't have the confidence in my Japanese to write the draft.
> 原稿を書く自信がないですが、見直すことが手伝えます。

Draft will be sent to devel ML, as I did last week [1], please don't
hesitate to send any comment. After 1 or 2 week passed since I send
1st draft to devel ML, comment submission will be closed [2].

[1] http://linuxmint-jp.net/pipermail/linuxmint-jp-devel/2012-September/000086.html
[2] http://linuxmint-jp.net/pipermail/linuxmint-jp-devel/2012-September/000109.html

AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke
AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <i38w7i3 @ yahoo.co.jp>

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