[Linuxmint-jp-devel:239] Re: The Linux Mint Blog - 2012 年 10 月 15 日 (Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” Xfce 版がリリースされました!)

yikei lu luyikei.qmltu @ gmail.com
2012年 12月 22日 (土) 10:46:07 JST



2012/12/22 AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <i38w7i3 @ yahoo.co.jp>

> 綾小路です。
> 表題の翻訳です。査読をお願いします。
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Linux Mint                                         http://linuxmint.com/
> The Linux Mint Blog (開発チームニュース)      http://blog.linuxmint.com/
> 2012 年 12 月 21 日                    http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2263
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” Xfce released!
> ------------------------------------
> Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” Xfce 版がリリースされました!
> ------------------------------------------------
> Written by Clem on Friday, December 21st, 2012 @ 5:02 am | Main Topics
> [1]
> Clem 著 2012 年 12 月 21 日 金曜日 午前 5:02 | Main Topics [1]
> The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 14 Xfce.
> 開発チームは Linux Mint 14 Xfce 版のリリースについて発表します。
> [IMAGE] [2]
> Linux Mint 14 Xfce
> Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment which aims to be fast and low
> on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user
> friendly. This edition features all the improvements from the latest
> Linux Mint release on top of an Xfce 4.10 desktop.
> Xfce は高速でシステムリソースを大きく消費しないことを目標にしている軽量
> のデスクトップ環境です。それにもかかわらず、Xfce は見た目の魅力とユーザ
> の利便性を失っていません。Xfce 版は Xfce 4.10 に加えて最新の Linux
> Mint リリースになされた全ての改善が反映されています。
> New features:
> 新機能:
> For a complete overview and to see screenshots of the new features,
> visit: “What’s new in Linux Mint 14 Xfce [3] “.
> 概要の全てと新機能のスクリーンショットは以下のページでご確認ください:
> “Linux Mint 14 Xfce の新機能 [3] 。“
>   * Xfce 4.10 [4]
>   * Software [5]
>   * MDM [6]
>   * Software Manager [7]
>   * System Improvements [8]
>   * Artwork Improvements [9]
>   * Upstream Components [10]
>   * Xfce 4.10 [4]
>   * ソフトウェア [5]
>   * MDM [6]
>   * ソフトウェアマネージャー [7]
>   * システムの改良 [8]
>   * アートワークの改良 [9]
>   * アップストリームに対して行われた追加要素の取り込み [10]
> Important info:
> 重要な情報:
> Make sure to read the “Release Notes [11] ” to be aware of important info
> or known issues related to this release:
> このリリースに関する重要な情報や既知の問題を把握するために “リリースノー
> ト [11] ” に必ず目を通してください。
>   * PAE required for 32-bit ISO
>   * AMD Radeon HD2xxx-4xxx series card
>   * Additional drivers
>   * Mouse integration in Virtualbox
>   * Moonlight
>   * mint4win
>   * CD images
>   * GnomePPP and local repository
>   * 32 ビット版の ISO イメージの場合は PAE が必要
>   * AMD Radeon HD2xxx-4xxx 系カード
>   * 追加のドライバ
>   * Virtualbox におけるマウス統合
>   * Moonlight
>   * mint4win
>   * CD イメージ
>   * GnomePPP とローカルリポジトリ
> System requirements:
> システム要件:
>   * x86 processor (Linux Mint 64-bit requires a 64-bit processor. Linux
>     Mint 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors).
>   * 384 MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
>   * 5 GB of disk space
>   * Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
>   * CD/DVD drive or USB port
>   * x86 プロセッサ (Linux Mint 64-bit には 64 ビットプロセッサが必要で
>     す。Linux Mint 32-bit は 32 ビットと 64 ビットプロセッサの両方で動
>     きます)。
>   * 384 メガバイトのメモリ (快適に使用するには 1 ギガバイトを推奨)。
>   * 5 ギガバイトの空きディスク容量
>   * 800×600 の解像度を表示できるグラフィックカード
>   * CD/DVD ドライブ又は USB ポート
> Upgrade instructions:
> アップグレード方法:
>   * To upgrade from a previous version of Linux Mint follow these
>     instructions [12] .
>   * To upgrade from the RC release, simply apply any level 1 and 2
>     updates (if any) available in the Update Manager.
>   * Linux Mint の以前のバージョンからアップグレードする場合は、リンク先
>     に書かれた方法に従ってください [12] 。
>   * RC 版からアップグレードする場合は、アップデートマネージャから提示さ
>     れる (されない場合もあります) レベル 1 と 2 の アップデートを行って
>     ください。
> Download:
> ダウンロード:
> Md5 sum:
> Md5 チェックサム:
>   * 32-bit: 7dbe747bacb4200bb078cf84fe17faa2
>   * 64-bit: e82e941cee437910e34b52f2b5a538f8
> Torrents:
> トレント:
>   * 32-bit [13]
>   * 64-bit [14]
> HTTP Mirrors for the 32-bit DVD ISO:
> 32-bit DVD ISO イメージの HTTP ミラー:
>   * Argentina Xfree [15]
>   * Australia AARNet [16]
>   * Australia Internode [17]
>   * Australia Western Australian Internet Association [18]
>   * Australia Yes Optus Mirror [19]
>   * Austria Goodie Domain Service [20]
>   * Bangladesh IS Pros Limited [21]
>   * Belarus ByFly [22]
>   * Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana [23]
>   * Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club [24]
>   * China Tsinghua University Network Administrators (TUNA) [25]
>   * Denmark klid.dk [26]
>   * France GoPotato [27]
>   * France Gwendal Le Bihan [28]
>   * France Ordimatic [29]
>   * France RTS Informatique [30]
>   * Germany Copahost [31]
>   * Germany GWDG [32]
>   * Germany NetCologne GmbH [33]
>   * Germany University of Munich [34]
>   * Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [35]
>   * Greece National Technical University of Athens [36]
>   * Greece University of Crete [37]
>   * Greenland Tele Greenland [38]
>   * Iceland Siminn hf [39]
>   * Indonesia Universitas Pasundan Bandung [40]
>   * Ireland HEAnet [41]
>   * Israel Israel Internet Association [42]
>   * Italy GARR [43]
>   * Kazakhstan Neolabs [44]
>   * Lithuania Atviras kodas Lietuvai [45]
>   * Luxembourg root S.A. [46]
>   * Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Source Mirror [47]
>   * Netherlands Triple IT [48]
>   * Netherlands Tuxis Internet Engineering [49]
>   * Poland ICM - University of Warsaw [50]
>   * Portugal CeSIUM - Universidade do Minho [51]
>   * Portugal Universidade do Porto [52]
>   * Romania ServerHost [53]
>   * Russia Yandex Team [54]
>   * Serbia University of Kragujevac [55]
>   * Singapore NUS - School of Computing - SigLabs [56]
>   * Slovakia Rainside [57]
>   * South Africa University of Free State [58]
>   * South Africa Web Africa [59]
>   * South Korea KAIST [60]
>   * Sri Lanka Lanka Education and Research Network [61]
>   * Sweden DF - Computer Society at Lund University [62]
>   * Sweden Portlane [63]
>   * Switzerland SWITCH [64]
>   * Taiwan NCHC [65]
>   * Taiwan TamKang University [66]
>   * Ukraine OSDN.Org.UA [67]
>   * United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting [68]
>   * United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service [69]
>   * USA James Madison University [70]
>   * USA Linux Freedom [71]
>   * USA MetroCast Cablevision [72]
>   * USA mirrorcatalogs.com [73]
>   * USA Quintex Alliance Consulting [74]
>   * USA Secution, LLC. [75]
>   * USA University of Maryland, College Park [76]
>   * USA Yellow Fiber Networks [77]
>   * Vietnam FPT Telecom [78]
>   * アルゼンチン Xfree [15]
>   * オーストラリア AARNet [16]
>   * オーストラリア Internode [17]
>   * オーストラリア Western Australian Internet Association [18]
>   * オーストラリア Yes Optus Mirror [19]
>   * オーストリア Goodie Domain Service [20]
>   * バングラデシュ IS Pros Limited [21]
>   * ベラルーシ ByFly [22]
>   * ブラジル Universidade Federal do Parana [23]
>   * カナダ University of Waterloo Computer Science Club [24]
>   * 中国 Tsinghua University Network Administrators (TUNA) [25]
>   * デンマーク klid.dk [26]
>   * フランス GoPotato [27]
>   * フランス Gwendal Le Bihan [28]
>   * フランス Ordimatic [29]
>   * フランス RTS Informatique [30]
>   * ドイツ Copahost [31]
>   * ドイツ GWDG [32]
>   * ドイツ NetCologne GmbH [33]
>   * ドイツ University of Munich [34]
>   * ギリシャ Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [35]
>   * ギリシャ National Technical University of Athens [36]
>   * ギリシャ University of Crete [37]
>   * グリーンランド Tele Greenland [38]
>   * アイスランド Siminn hf [39]
>   * インドネシア Universitas Pasundan Bandung [40]
>   * アイルランド HEAnet [41]
>   * イスラエル Israel Internet Association [42]
>   * イタリア GARR [43]
>   * カザフスタン Neolabs [44]
>   * リトアニア Atviras kodas Lietuvai [45]
>   * ルクセンブルグ root S.A. [46]
>   * マレーシア Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Source Mirror [47]
>   * オランダ Triple IT [48]
>   * オランダ Tuxis Internet Engineering [49]
>   * ポーランド ICM - University of Warsaw [50]
>   * ポルトガル CeSIUM - Universidade do Minho [51]
>   * ポルトガル Universidade do Porto [52]
>   * ルーマニア ServerHost [53]
>   * ロシア Yandex Team [54]
>   * セルビア University of Kragujevac [55]
>   * シンガポール NUS - School of Computing - SigLabs [56]
>   * スロバキア Rainside [57]
>   * 南アフリカ University of Free State [58]
>   * 南アフリカ Web Africa [59]
>   * 韓国 KAIST [60]
>   * スリランカ Lanka Education and Research Network [61]
>   * スウェーデン DF - Computer Society at Lund University [62]
>   * スウェーデン Portlane [63]
>   * スイス SWITCH [64]
>   * 台湾 NCHC [65]
>   * 台湾 TamKang University [66]
>   * ウクライナ OSDN.Org.UA [67]
>   * イギリス Bytemark Hosting [68]
>   * イギリス University of Kent UK Mirror Service [69]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 James Madison University [70]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Linux Freedom [71]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 MetroCast Cablevision [72]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 mirrorcatalogs.com [73]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Quintex Alliance Consulting [74]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Secution, LLC. [75]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 University of Maryland, College Park [76]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Yellow Fiber Networks [77]
>   * ベトナム FPT Telecom [78]
> HTTP Mirrors for the 64-bit DVD ISO:
> 64-bit DVD ISO イメージの HTTP ミラー:
>   * Argentina Xfree [79]
>   * Australia AARNet [80]
>   * Australia Internode [81]
>   * Australia Western Australian Internet Association [82]
>   * Australia Yes Optus Mirror [83]
>   * Austria Goodie Domain Service [84]
>   * Bangladesh IS Pros Limited [85]
>   * Belarus ByFly [86]
>   * Brazil Universidade Federal do Parana [87]
>   * Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club [88]
>   * China Tsinghua University Network Administrators (TUNA) [89]
>   * Denmark klid.dk [90]
>   * France GoPotato [91]
>   * France Gwendal Le Bihan [92]
>   * France Ordimatic [93]
>   * France RTS Informatique [94]
>   * Germany Copahost [95]
>   * Germany GWDG [96]
>   * Germany NetCologne GmbH [97]
>   * Germany University of Munich [98]
>   * Greece Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [99]
>   * Greece National Technical University of Athens [100]
>   * Greece University of Crete [101]
>   * Greenland Tele Greenland [102]
>   * Iceland Siminn hf [103]
>   * Indonesia Universitas Pasundan Bandung [104]
>   * Ireland HEAnet [105]
>   * Israel Israel Internet Association [106]
>   * Italy GARR [107]
>   * Kazakhstan Neolabs [108]
>   * Lithuania Atviras kodas Lietuvai [109]
>   * Luxembourg root S.A. [110]
>   * Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Source Mirror [111]
>   * Netherlands Triple IT [112]
>   * Netherlands Tuxis Internet Engineering [113]
>   * Poland ICM - University of Warsaw [114]
>   * Portugal CeSIUM - Universidade do Minho [115]
>   * Portugal Universidade do Porto [116]
>   * Romania ServerHost [117]
>   * Russia Yandex Team [118]
>   * Serbia University of Kragujevac [119]
>   * Singapore NUS - School of Computing - SigLabs [120]
>   * Slovakia Rainside [121]
>   * South Africa University of Free State [122]
>   * South Africa Web Africa [123]
>   * South Korea KAIST [124]
>   * Sri Lanka Lanka Education and Research Network [125]
>   * Sweden DF - Computer Society at Lund University [126]
>   * Sweden Portlane [127]
>   * Switzerland SWITCH [128]
>   * Taiwan NCHC [129]
>   * Taiwan TamKang University [130]
>   * Ukraine OSDN.Org.UA [131]
>   * United Kingdom Bytemark Hosting [132]
>   * United Kingdom University of Kent UK Mirror Service [133]
>   * USA James Madison University [134]
>   * USA Linux Freedom [135]
>   * USA MetroCast Cablevision [136]
>   * USA mirrorcatalogs.com [137]
>   * USA Quintex Alliance Consulting [138]
>   * USA Secution, LLC. [139]
>   * USA University of Maryland, College Park [140]
>   * USA Yellow Fiber Networks [141]
>   * Vietnam FPT Telecom [142]
>   * アルゼンチン Xfree [79]
>   * オーストラリア AARNet [80]
>   * オーストラリア Internode [81]
>   * オーストラリア Western Australian Internet Association [82]
>   * オーストラリア Yes Optus Mirror [83]
>   * オーストリア Goodie Domain Service [84]
>   * バングラデシュ IS Pros Limited [85]
>   * ベラルーシ ByFly [86]
>   * ブラジル Universidade Federal do Parana [87]
>   * カナダ University of Waterloo Computer Science Club [88]
>   * 中国 Tsinghua University Network Administrators (TUNA) [89]
>   * デンマーク klid.dk [90]
>   * フランス GoPotato [91]
>   * フランス Gwendal Le Bihan [92]
>   * フランス Ordimatic [93]
>   * フランス RTS Informatique [94]
>   * ドイツ Copahost [95]
>   * ドイツ GWDG [96]
>   * ドイツ NetCologne GmbH [97]
>   * ドイツ University of Munich [98]
>   * ギリシャ Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [99]
>   * ギリシャ National Technical University of Athens [100]
>   * ギリシャ University of Crete [101]
>   * グリーンランド Tele Greenland [102]
>   * アイスランド Siminn hf [103]
>   * インドネシア Universitas Pasundan Bandung [104]
>   * アイルランド HEAnet [105]
>   * イスラエル Israel Internet Association [106]
>   * イタリア GARR [107]
>   * カザフスタン Neolabs [108]
>   * リトアニア Atviras kodas Lietuvai [109]
>   * ルクセンブルグ root S.A. [110]
>   * マレーシア Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Source Mirror [111]
>   * オランダ Triple IT [112]
>   * オランダ Tuxis Internet Engineering [113]
>   * ポーランド ICM - University of Warsaw [114]
>   * ポルトガル CeSIUM - Universidade do Minho [115]
>   * ポルトガル Universidade do Porto [116]
>   * ルーマニア ServerHost [117]
>   * ロシア Yandex Team [118]
>   * セルビア University of Kragujevac [119]
>   * シンガポール NUS - School of Computing - SigLabs [120]
>   * スロバキア Rainside [121]
>   * 南アフリカ University of Free State [122]
>   * 南アフリカ Web Africa [123]
>   * 韓国 KAIST [124]
>   * スリランカ Lanka Education and Research Network [125]
>   * スウェーデン DF - Computer Society at Lund University [126]
>   * スウェーデン Portlane [127]
>   * スイス SWITCH [128]
>   * 台湾 NCHC [129]
>   * 台湾 TamKang University [130]
>   * ウクライナ OSDN.Org.UA [131]
>   * イギリス Bytemark Hosting [132]
>   * イギリス University of Kent UK Mirror Service [133]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 James Madison University [134]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Linux Freedom [135]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 MetroCast Cablevision [136]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 mirrorcatalogs.com [137]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Quintex Alliance Consulting [138]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Secution, LLC. [139]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 University of Maryland, College Park [140]
>   * アメリカ合衆国 Yellow Fiber Networks [141]
>   * ベトナム FPT Telecom [142]
> Enjoy!
> お楽しみください!
> We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux
> Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!
> 開発チームはあなたからのご意見をお待ちしています。Linux Mint のご利用あ
> りがとうございます、Linux Mint Nadia Xfce 版をお楽しみください!
> You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 [143]
> feed.
> You can leave a response, or trackback [144] from your own site.
> RSS 2.0 [143] フィードを使ってこのエントリーに対する反応をフォローでき
> ます。コメントを残したり、ご自身のサイトからトラックバック [144] を送る
> こともできます。
>     [1] http://blog.linuxmint.com/?cat=1
>     [2] http://www.linuxmint.com/pictures/screenshots/nadia/xfce.png
>     [3] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [4] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [5] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [6] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [7] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [8] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [9] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [10] http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce_whatsnew.php
>     [11] http://linuxmint.com/rel_nadia_xfce.php
>     [12] http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/2
>     [13]
> http://torrents.linuxmint.com/torrents/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso.torrent
>     [14]
> http://torrents.linuxmint.com/torrents/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso.torrent
>     [15]
> http://mint.xfree.com.ar/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [16]
> http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [17]
> http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [18]
> http://mirror.waia.asn.au/pub/linux/linuxmint/linuxmint-isos/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [19]
> http://mirror.optus.net/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [20]
> http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/linux/mint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [21]
> http://mirrors.ispros.com.bd/linuxmint.com/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [22]
> http://ftp.mgts.by/pub/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [23]
> http://mint.c3sl.ufpr.br/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [24]
> http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [25]
> http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/linuxmint-cd/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [26]
> http://ftp.klid.dk/ftp/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [27]
> http://mirror.gopotato.co.uk/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [28]
> http://mint-mirror.gwendallebihan.net/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [29]
> http://mirrors.ordimatic.net/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [30]
> http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [31]
> http://linuxmint.copahost.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [32]
> http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/linux/debian/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [33]
> http://mirror.netcologne.de/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [34]
> http://linuxmint.bio.lmu.de/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [35]
> http://ftp.otenet.gr/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [36]
> http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [37]
> http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [38]
> http://mirror.greennet.gl/linuxmint/iso/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [39]
> http://speglar.simnet.is/mint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [40]
> http://linuxmint.repo.unpas.ac.id/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [41]
> http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [42]
> http://mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [43]
> http://linuxmint.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [44]
> http://mirror.neolabs.kz/linuxmint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [45]
> http://ftp.akl.lt/Linux/Mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [46]
> http://mint.mirror.root.lu/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [47]
> http://ossm.utm.my/linuxmint/iso/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [48]
> http://mintlinux.mirror.triple-it.nl/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [49]
> http://mirror.tuxis.nl/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [50]
> http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/dist/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [51]
> http://cesium.di.uminho.pt/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [52]
> http://mirrors.fe.up.pt/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [53]
> http://mirrors.serverhost.ro/mint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [54]
> http://mirror.yandex.ru/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [55]
> http://mirror.pmf.kg.ac.rs/mint/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [56]
> http://mirror.nus.edu.sg/LinuxMint-ISO/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [57]
> http://tux.rainside.sk/mint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [58]
> http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [59]
> http://ftp.wa.co.za/pub/linuxmint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [60]
> http://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/linuxmint-iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [61]
> http://mirror.learn.ac.lk/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [62]
> http://ftp.df.lth.se/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [63]
> http://ftp.portlane.com/pub/os/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [64]
> http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [65]
> http://free.nchc.org.tw/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [66]
> http://ftp.tku.edu.tw/Linux/LinuxMint/linuxmint-iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [67]
> http://ftp.linux.kiev.ua/pub/Linux/Mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [68]
> http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [69]
> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/www.linuxmint.com/pub/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [70]
> http://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/linuxmint/images/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [71]
> http://linuxfreedom.com/linuxmint/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [72]
> http://mirror.metrocast.net/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [73]
> http://linuxmint.mirrorcatalogs.com/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [74]
> http://mirror.quintex.com/linuxmint/iso/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [75]
> http://mirrors.secution.com/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [76]
> http://mirror.umd.edu/linuxmint/images/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
>     [77]
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>     [78]
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>     [79]
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>     [80]
> http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [81]
> http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [82]
> http://mirror.waia.asn.au/pub/linux/linuxmint/linuxmint-isos/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [83]
> http://mirror.optus.net/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [84]
> http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/linux/mint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [85]
> http://mirrors.ispros.com.bd/linuxmint.com/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [86]
> http://ftp.mgts.by/pub/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [87]
> http://mint.c3sl.ufpr.br/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [88]
> http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [89]
> http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/linuxmint-cd/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [90]
> http://ftp.klid.dk/ftp/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [91]
> http://mirror.gopotato.co.uk/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [92]
> http://mint-mirror.gwendallebihan.net/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [93]
> http://mirrors.ordimatic.net/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [94]
> http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/linuxmint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [95]
> http://linuxmint.copahost.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [96]
> http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/linux/debian/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [97]
> http://mirror.netcologne.de/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [98]
> http://linuxmint.bio.lmu.de/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [99]
> http://ftp.otenet.gr/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [100]
> http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [101]
> http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [102]
> http://mirror.greennet.gl/linuxmint/iso/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [103]
> http://speglar.simnet.is/mint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [104]
> http://linuxmint.repo.unpas.ac.id/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [105]
> http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [106]
> http://mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [107]
> http://linuxmint.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [108]
> http://mirror.neolabs.kz/linuxmint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [109]
> http://ftp.akl.lt/Linux/Mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [110]
> http://mint.mirror.root.lu/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [111]
> http://ossm.utm.my/linuxmint/iso/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [112]
> http://mintlinux.mirror.triple-it.nl/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [113]
> http://mirror.tuxis.nl/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [114]
> http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/dist/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [115]
> http://cesium.di.uminho.pt/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [116]
> http://mirrors.fe.up.pt/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [117]
> http://mirrors.serverhost.ro/mint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [118]
> http://mirror.yandex.ru/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [119]
> http://mirror.pmf.kg.ac.rs/mint/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [120]
> http://mirror.nus.edu.sg/LinuxMint-ISO/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [121]
> http://tux.rainside.sk/mint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [122]
> http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [123]
> http://ftp.wa.co.za/pub/linuxmint/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [124]
> http://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/linuxmint-iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [125]
> http://mirror.learn.ac.lk/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [126]
> http://ftp.df.lth.se/pub/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [127]
> http://ftp.portlane.com/pub/os/linux/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [128]
> http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [129]
> http://free.nchc.org.tw/linuxmint/isos/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [130]
> http://ftp.tku.edu.tw/Linux/LinuxMint/linuxmint-iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [131]
> http://ftp.linux.kiev.ua/pub/Linux/Mint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [132]
> http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [133]
> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/www.linuxmint.com/pub/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [134]
> http://mirror.jmu.edu/pub/linuxmint/images/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [135]
> http://linuxfreedom.com/linuxmint/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [136]
> http://mirror.metrocast.net/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [137]
> http://linuxmint.mirrorcatalogs.com/iso/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [138]
> http://mirror.quintex.com/linuxmint/iso/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [139]
> http://mirrors.secution.com/linuxmint.com/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [140]
> http://mirror.umd.edu/linuxmint/images/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [141]
> http://mirror.yellowfiber.net/linuxmint/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [142]
> http://mirror-fpt-telecom.fpt.net/linuxmint-cd/stable/14/linuxmint-14-xfce-dvd-64bit.iso
>     [143] http://blog.linuxmint.com/?feed=rss2&p=2263
>     [144] http://blog.linuxmint.com/wp-trackback.php?p=2263
> よろしくお願いします。
> 綾小路龍之介
> --
> AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <i38w7i3 @ yahoo.co.jp>
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